Dr. Sara Hart is a thoroughly professional clinician, skilled in diverse modalities. She is a careful, intelligent, well grounded holistic practitioner, who is also highly sensitive and perceptive of others' emotional and spiritual needs. Her approach to her work is collaborative and educational. She really listens and hears what others are saying and comes up with creative solutions.
I have experienced work from many practitioners of naturopathy, acupuncture, and other modalities, and I trust Dr. Hart's judgment and abilities. She took the time to find supplements and treatments that worked and made highly effective recommendations. In my view, one of the marks of a really good clinician is one who teaches and supports the client in exploring new approaches and, to the extent possible, learning to heal themselves. Dr. Hart does this beautifully and I have derived great benefit from being her client for several years.
In addition, I offered workshops and treatments at Stillwater in Reiki and Energy Medicine. It is a lovely, peaceful environment in which to work and the interactions with staff were great. Dr. Hart is a warm, balanced and caring person, dedicated to her practice, who gives her clients, students and the providers at Stillwater the highest quality experience possible.
~ Gianna, Silver City, NM